Szentpaly Partnership

Earn up to $100,000+ in passive income annually by owning and operating your own E-commerce business.

Generate passive income without leaving the comfort of your home. You’ll be surprised how easy and effective the process is.


Revenue from just ONE ecom store.

How does it work?

It’s a 50/50 profit share between you and Szentpaly. You will get your own brand name and website built for you. Buildout typically takes about a week, and then we provide you with comprehensive sales training.

All you need to do is spend one hour per week calling the leads we provide for you and close deals.

  1.  We give you sales training and send you leads.

  2. Your team calls the leads and close the deals.

  3. Our team provides the service.

Schedule a call to learn more about partnering with us as we expand across the country.

You don’t want to miss this incredible opportunity.